12 Ways to Cope with Emotions
Create a Schedule for Your Day
Go for a Drive
Have a Picnic
Squeeze a Stress Ball or Pillow
Chew Gum
Write a Thank-you card to someone
Listen to your favorite song from junior high
Drink tea or a warm beverage
Go for a walk
Play a board Game
Light a Candle
I have a list of 101 coping skills I give my clients that you can find here.
I wish we got these educational tools in elementary school. Imagine that, learning coping skills and how to feel and deal! Most of us are learning this now, and that’s powerful important work. Therapy is cool because it’s a place to value mental health and ongoing education.
Which one y’all gonna do? I’m going for my fav junior high jam. I was super into boys to men, no doubt, TLC, bob marley.... time to make a playlist.
Therapy and tacos for all,