The key to building a bridge over the grief hole in your soul:
Leaning in.
Saying “feel it.”
Taking breaks from it when you need to.
Having a support system.
I now visualize each grief wave as a wood plank building my bridge over the hole in my soul. I can visit anytime, it’s always there, part of me.
If you experience suicidality following grief, find it unbearable, are spiraling, reach out to a therapist - grief attacks are real and you aren’t alone. No shame in our mental health game. Humans need humans and grief is part of our existence. Grief is a response to love. Let’s talk about it honestly and openly more. Let’s end the stigma around mental health, which includes grief.
Remember, there is no timeline for grief. How you are feeling is exactly right. I’ve previously recorded two episodes of my podcast Therapy Thoughts about grief if you’d like more resources. They’re vulnerable and raw - as grief should be.
Therapy and tacos for all,